Anyone who knows me, knows i'm an apple geek.
Dont get me wrong I'm not saying that PC's dont have their uses, of course they do. However i've always believed that apple have a little bit more style and i think i can say that safely without a barage of backlash!
I bought a 2nd gen ipod back in 2002, an early adopter of the mp3 personal player technology! However i think its time to upgrade and i've got my eyes a nano. I always use my 2nd gens case but its not the best and its good to see that so many companies are offering decent and varied solutions to the problem of housing your ipod.
Tunewear are perhaps one of the best i have seen to date, Not all their designs are great but at least they seem to have grapsed the basic problems associated wiht the ipod, hopefully their designs will improve and maybe even offer a design your own case print option???
Oh, and if anyone from Tunewear reads this, guys, lose the pointless flash intro before you choose a language!
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